Herbstnebel wallen bläulich überm See;
Vom Reif bezogen stehen alle Gräser;
Man meint', ein Künstler habe Staub vom Jade
Über die feinen Blüten ausgestreut.
Der süße Duft der Blumen ist verflogen;
Ein kalter Wind beugt ihre Stängel nieder.
Bald werden die verwelkten, goldnen Blätter
Der Lotosblüten auf dem Wasser zieh'n.
Mein Herz ist müde. Meine kleine Lampe
Erlosch mit Knistern;
Es gemahnt mich an den Schlaf.
Ich komm' zu dir, traute Ruhestätte!
Ja, gib mir Ruh', ich hab Erquickung not!
Ich weine viel in meinen Einsamkeiten.
Der Herbst in meinem Herzen währt zu lange.
Sonne der Liebe, willst du nie mehr scheinen,
Um meine bittern Tränen mild aufzutrocknen?
Autumn mists drift, blue-tinged cross the lake...
Coated with frost, all the grass stands stiff;
One would think an artist had sprinkled jade dust
Over the delicate blossoms.
The sweeet scent of the flowers has vanished.
A cold wind bends their stems;
Soon the faded golden petals
Of the lotus will float past on the water.
My heart is weary. With a crackling sound my little lamp
Has gone out; it reminds me of sleep!...
I am coming to you, dear place of rest,
Yes, give me rest, I am in need of comfort.
I often weep in my lonely days...
The autumn in my heart has lasted too long.
Sun of love, will you never hine again
To gently dry away my bitter tears?
I know: jesus. but it's beautiful, right? I have a strong & distinct memory that I can't connect to any particular time or place of being somewhere & having a kind of a filthy old man rant to me pationately about Mahler. I remember especially him saying & this is Alma, right, & he just writes every curve of her body & he was sort of foaming, scaring me a little. I sort of want this to've happened almost maybe too much to be trusted on the memory. but I think it's real. one thing that make life better all the time is kooks. let's hear it for kooks.
& let's hear it for der einsame im herbst from Mahler's lied von der erde.
I have to admit that the auto bailout seems better than I thought. I am wrong about everything & just taking more baths from now on, ok?
Fa 3 anys
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Go-oooooo Kooks!
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