
something interesting I noticed while cleaning the bathroom

is that (stay with me here) on bbc world radio, when they're playing original recordings of people speaking languages that grew around islam -- when they're playing an afghan villager, say, declaring that his life will be no better under forty-four than fourty-three (which is what, sad to say, I was actually hearing) -- they translate (they do that thing, remember, where they play the original recording of someone speaking, say, pashto, & then louder over it a translator gives the english), what I'm trying to tell you is, they translate the word inshallah whole-parcel into english, without changing it. no god willing. no in the name of allah.. inshallah is bbc english, presumably meaning, well, if french has les blue-jeans, I mean, I think it means, duh, inshallah, but my point is, can you imagine if cnn dubbed in Karzai saying inshallah the meetings will be productive? we'd never have a presidential debate again!

(gomoseksualist is prim russian for gay person.)

anyhow, the original thing I wanted to blog about was happier: the bbc world service also covered the story that working people the world over are "rejoicing" (this is a word british people use to describe fun had by foreigners) about Obama. get a load of this:
Last summer a poll for the BBC World Service, conducted in 22 countries, indicated that people preferred Barack Obama to John McCain by four to one. Almost half said that if Senator Obama were elected, it would change their view of the United States completely.
here, read it for yourself.

it's not that I feel any particular attachment to uhmerican "prestige". I just think they're right asking we stop taking their lunch money.

for a real real treat, you should listen to the song rings by the band nomo. they sound like they could be a guy with a laptop. it is also sort of potato nostalgia music of some kind for old people like me who were young people, once, in the 1990s; music sounded sort of like this, then.

click here to download rings by nomo.

please note that I have stopped using zshare, because apparently it flashes pictures of ladies' butts at you when you use it for wholly un-butt-related things, which thing I swear to you, like the victims of the person swap video in my last post, had absolutely failed to observe. savefile is more polite.

& that reminds me -- I put up a much bigger post yesterday (which I may have, um, emailed you about?), with good music & fun activities, so please check that out, too. & hey, if you do actually want periodic emails to let you know when there's fun stuff on the blog, or if you have any feedback or requests, do please let me know at hudbahudby@gmail.com.
