ok, there's a lot it's important to say, but first, take a look at this: this is fucking crazy. look at what Sarah Palin agreed to stand in front of when she gave this interview. wow.
now, by request (thanks, Rachael), a post about Odetta, who, very sad to say, is reported ill. days ago she was in kidney failure, and she's already proving the doctors wrong. & plastered across the wall in her hospital room is, guess what?, a great big smiling BARACK OBAMA! Odetta is keeping herself alive right now, against failure of body, just to sing at Obama's inauguration; than her mature swan of a voice none is better suited to that magnificent event. and so for now, & for 58 days, Odetta is in a hospital room in Manhattan, holding to life by an incredible exertion of will. please send some humanity Odetta's way. she would do, has done, the same for you. one song Odetta sings just resplendently is deep river, an old spiritual. (other notable appearances include a guest spot in one of the movies of show boat.) Odetta sings it with a conviction so rich it feels innately communal. & her pacing, her tempo are perfect! that voice. the song becomes utterly hers: will you ever want to hear a different recording of it? you won't -- she takes it all the way.
click here to download deep river by Odetta. a song that shows a more aggressive style Odetta can play is jack o' diamonds. I don't know anyone who sings this song the way Odetta does. listen to how good her left hand is (that's such a dead-on guitar line that it feels familiar, even tho I've never heard one quite like it). her voice is as vast and subtle as ever, & its small shifts in color can be greatly moving. she always finds room to breathe, whatever the song she's singing. hear this & you'll understand: Odetta is the kind of woman who can decide to stay alive for Obama's inauguration. whose last act should be to sing at Obama's inauguration.
I do not think Odetta is at her best with a jazz band. but what's interesting is that when she's with a band she has insights into that music as rare as all her musical insights; and it's a treat to hear her singing in any new light. so the song is a pleasure. the trumpet player here is a guy called Buck Clayton, an old member of Basie's band, and a really completely fucking fascinating side story is that Buck Clayton lived in shanghai in the 30s, where he befriended a qin player named Lí Jǐnhuī (that's 黎錦輝 if you can; I can't). they went on collaboratively to invent shídàiqǔ, a unique style of song influenced by jazz and by chinese musical traditions that flowered in china from then until the end of the war (ish). Lí was killed in the cultural revolution in 1967, his work having been labeled 黃色音樂, a complicated classification sometimes translated as yellow music & involving charges of cultural degeneracy. Buck Clayton, on the other hand, recorded this with Odetta in 1962 & later became a professor at CUNY. it's the grass the suffers. but here, give it a listen.
click here to download weeping willow blues by Odetta with Buck Clayton playing the trumpet. and one more exciting & beautiful song Odetta sings is chilly winds. she's just positively arctic here, a fucking blast. her voice reminds me of the bridge over the neva in november. it has force. this, like deep river, is from her 1957 record at the gate of horn; for the most part a gorgeous set put down with the tasteful bass player Bill Lee (Spike's papa), who turned 80 this summer. (Odetta's a little younger -- she was born the last day of 1930.)
I imagine Bill Lee & Odetta must be burning with wonder. when I lived in russia I met a few people who'd been kids during the october revolution, & they were just overwhelming to talk to, the epochs they'd survived. in Odetta's life or Bill Lee's the event seems operatic in magnitude. Obama is a big fucking deal!, & there's no voice that contains fiercer multitudes than Odetta's. for having kept our shit together we deserve to hear Odetta at the inauguration. she was 23 during brown v board of ed. the schoolkids I worked with in petersburg had never heard of leningrad. Odetta is the real america. don't take my word for it: click here to download chilly winds by Odetta.
& then please let's each write her a card to let her know that this immense expenditure of will she's undertaking -- which must involve great suffering, for her -- is not wasted. you can & should send Odetta some loving encouragement at:
Ms. Odetta Gordon room # 719, 7th floor intensive care unit lenox hill hospital 100 east 77th street new york, ny 10021
as terrifically saddening as the news is, I'm glad it at least came when I needed some reminding of how thrilled & astonished I am that the us has elected its first black president and disrupted the most villainous course taken in its whole villainous history in the same act. my complete revulsion at mccain & his winking homunculus of a running mate could have driven me to rabid support for any democratic candidate, but it's clear that Obama really is a special step forward. his articulateness, his tangibility. he makes it look so good we forget that it sort of looked good before. (it reminds me of how dated once-innovative episodes of seinfeld look when I see them in syndication. cool-at-the-time Bill Clinton had to say that he'd smoked but not inhaled, which was asinine but exculpated him; curb-your-enthusiasm president Obama said, "I inhaled -- that was the whole point.") he seems completely sincere, & that's astonishing, even unheimlich in an uhmerican politician.
still, there are elements of his politics I detest. he has promised to use military force in pakistan unilaterally, has made statements that suggest he's beholden to the israel lobby (tho he's also sort of said no no not like that about it), and has of late been palling around with (actual) terrorists like Zbigniew Brzenzinski & Richard Holbrooke. in this interesting article the consummately reasonable Robert Parry notes that "[after] a masterful campaign, Barack Obama seems headed toward some fateful mistakes as he assembles his administration by heeding the advice of Washington’s Democratic insider community, a collective group that represents little 'change you can believe in.'" these are swift currents we're asked to swim. so, anyway, but my point is, it's nice to be reminded that something special is happening, despite a spreading disillusionment. it's deeply moving that Odetta is refusing to die till she can sing him in. we're only just beginning to see glimpses of Obama's permanent place in our psyche, but we all know sweetly together we're living thru Something. (five years ago no one had heard of him!) his personal courage, his power as a social force & a social example, the way he won by not condescending to us & by not french-kissing, and his eloquent impossibility can be an inspiration as strong as manifest destiny, only better, because manifest destiny was evil. this is our holiday year. it makes sense to feel a somber kind of joy.
just finally got my music software up & running again (thanks, Greg!) & immediately made this song. it's just a silly thing, but I hope you'll have fun hearing it.
I first heard the song liar, liar, by the non-existant-except-for-the-song-liar,-liar band the castaways, when I was about 8. I had bought a record (I am so old that I had bought it new on vinyl) called frat rock, volume 3. I'd never heard the word frat but it sounded brutal to me, & liar, liar struck me as immensely powerful caveman music. & the band was called the castaways, so I pictured them as a bunch of high-foreheaded loinclothed lunatics waving rocks at each other on a little green island somwhere. (in an intriguing turn, the castaways were the only band of whom there was no photograph on the album sleeve.) that angry brunhilda & her crazy husky castaway voice! the song remains an absolute favorite. (I've since learned it's best known now for being played in the moviegood morning vietgivemeafuckingbreak & for being on nuggets.)
the record also had some over-caffeinated commentary from someone named Gene Sculatti:
What we have here: a bone fide land 'o lakes frat band, formed for the sole purpose of playing campus beer busts. As one shots go, the Casts' is a riffin' wonder, and oh so '65.
now, Gene, nothing personal (Gene, Gene, I love you Gene), but reading that when I was 8 I understood about as much as a dog would. I'd never heard the words bona fide, & they sounded vaguely consonant with my caveman idea. I did not know what beer busts were, but they sounded like scoundrels would have them. as one shots go seemed to have two verbs. & so on. I now of course realize that the upshot of Gene's comments is that this is a great song to listen to at parties, by a band from minnesota. (goooooooo Franken, let's re that count, fellows!) but it's a dark, brutal, beautiful song. fantastically well-produced: the sounds work together perfectly, the band sounds like they're precisely somewhere. they sing like they can't say what they want. that fantastic guitar sound! something else that's true of liar, liar is that it is, to borrow an adjective from health class, real gateway music: so rich, lively, & pleasing that it drives me to want to hear all kinds of other music -- powerful organ sounds, songs that describe blunt & childlike emotions, duets, dark songs, thick songs, music that involves a lot of repetition, music where someone screams. one of my metropsalmoi (μήτρόψαλμοι, is that right?). music is a wonderful gift of childhood!
click here to download liar, liar by the castaways. then, really very recently, a spray of finitudes clouded the glass of my wonder: I saw this clip of the movie it's a bikini world, wherein I learned that the castaways look like a breakaway from the hitler youth: tidy youths all, & blond. my brunhilda is a minnesota farmboy's grimacing falsetto! if the song were capable of being ruined, this would do it for me:
I don't know much about the dutch group the opposites, but they have a pretty terrific song calledik ben dom, lomp en famous (which means I'm dumb, nasty, & famous). at least I think it's terrific. does anyone speak dutch? still it's an exciting song & they are fucking ridiculous: double delight. this song will make you want to become a greezy evropean. (& yes, that's a very cognate lomp, in the song title. here's a hint: dutch marXists talk about the lompenproletariaat. absolutely.)
& now, to close on a really depressing note, here is what the castaways are like now, still playing this same fucking song. if there's one thing we can learn from watching this, it is always do something different. for real. but I mean, really, put the kids to bed first. this is just about the most depressing thing I have ever seen, ever.
wow. I mean, the guy actually says senior moment. for something a lot more vernal, take a listen to this fun song by the zargozan rapper Rapsusklei. his accent is dense brush, & I have no idea what this song is about either, but I love the fervor of it, the sense I get from his delivery that he counts it a privilege to make music. this one won't turn you inside-out, but I bet it is the perfect thing if you are CLEANING THE BATHROOM. I like the way he says como tanta. I like the way he says mushiqa. I like to imagine him coming to new york city & getting dorky over how tall the buildings are. maybe he is really street. maybe he is rapping about his grampa's fishing boat. surely someone can understand this & enlighten, por favor? I guess I like to imagine that he is rapping about how good he is at spinning sumptuous fabrics. not that I expect to be right.
anyhow, click here to download the untitled rap by Rapsusklei from his decimoctavo tape. the major chuvash russian poet Gennadij Ajgi (or Gennady Aigi, or Aygi, or, because of his connection to gallia, Aigui -- Геннадий Айги in all cases is the original) was born in 1934 in chuvashia & needs no introduction from me. he died two or three years ago, leaving a life's worth of verse not much more easily comparable to anyone else's than one death is comparable to another. here's an example, with my best shove at a translation:
друг мой о мама-ребенок младенца лицо отдаляется силу иметь чтоб приближаться сияюще-равным к обликам-крyгам любимых-и-любящих (много отдельно Одно)
& now
my friend you motherchild the baby's face grows distant have strength to draw near shining by even to (images are to circles) loving/loved a lot is separately one
Aigi's son Aleksej (Alexey?) is an interesting musician who participates in a lot of different projects. one of these is with Pierre Bastien (do you know who that is? I don't know who that is), & their musique pour la relaxation is interesting & lovely. I love the way figures spin in & out. I love the weird fish saxophone sound. this is intriguing music. I don't know how relaxing it is.
& that really makes me want to hear Jazmine Sullivan's song lions, tigers, & bears. beside the distinction of having the dumbest lyrics of any song ever written, it's great. it reminds me of ben-hur (the Charlton Heston one). her singing is bombastic & the strings are played with no conviction. but sing she can, & there are strange & surprising moments thruout the song. the line is lumpy with an added chord that doesn't make sense, the intruments are arranged kind of oddly. but there's one chord change (the one that happens in the first line of the song right as she gets to the word bears) that gets me listening, & enjoying all the funky cereal prizes of strange chord & inane lyric ("why do we love love when love seems to hate us?"). also, the use of the word affair can't help reminding me of my old jewish relatives from the wastes of queens. it was a lovely affair. what an odd word. (in rusland I taught anglisch from a textbook called affairs.)
"you know, it pisses me off a little that this supreme court is going to outlive me a couple of young italian fellows & a brother on the court now, too but I defy you anywhere in the world to find two italians as tight-assed as the two italians we've got & as for the brother... well pluto's not a planet anymore, either"
I fucking love a few words in defense of our country by Randy Newman. if a tinge of disney has worked its way into his sound, he's still acerb, transgressive, tough, sincere, funny. thru the election (aka "that foul & half-remembered dream of being poked at for 23 months") head after head acknowledged the recent End of America (EOA) only by talking about our inevitable re-ascent to dominance. & (maybe it's no coincidene he, unlike anyone qualified to be president, does not pal around with religion) Randy Newman has a far healthier attitude toward our prospects. this song is just what I've been wishing someone would sing in front of me for a long time now.
there's too much sadness to go around in Miriam Makeba dying. I'm sure people are hearing her stuff everywhere. my most real favorite of her songs I possess only in a vinyl form I don't know how to squeeeeze into the computer, but her version of mbube (the song will prove familiar if the title doesn't) is a close second. in her youth she sang with a lycanthrope's fervor. the hour of what we are melting into. great stuff. anyhow, listen to this in case you don't believe me. working on a bigger post for sometime spoon.
is that (stay with me here) on bbc world radio, when they're playing original recordings of people speaking languages that grew around islam -- when they're playing an afghan villager, say, declaring that his life will be no better under forty-four than fourty-three (which is what, sad to say, I was actually hearing) -- they translate (they do that thing, remember, where they play the original recording of someone speaking, say, pashto, & then louder over it a translator gives the english), what I'm trying to tell you is, they translate the word inshallah whole-parcel into english, without changing it. no god willing. no in the name of allah.. inshallah is bbc english, presumably meaning, well, if french has les blue-jeans, I mean, I think it means, duh, inshallah, but my point is, can you imagine if cnn dubbed in Karzai saying inshallah the meetings will be productive? we'd never have a presidential debate again!
(gomoseksualist is prim russian for gay person.)
anyhow, the original thing I wanted to blog about was happier: the bbc world service also covered the story that working people the world over are "rejoicing" (this is a word british people use to describe fun had by foreigners) about Obama. get a load of this:
Last summer a poll for the BBC World Service, conducted in 22 countries, indicated that people preferred Barack Obama to John McCain by four to one. Almost half said that if Senator Obama were elected, it would change their view of the United States completely.
it's not that I feel any particular attachment to uhmerican "prestige". I just think they're right asking we stop taking their lunch money.
for a real real treat, you should listen to the song rings by the band nomo. they sound like they could be a guy with a laptop. it is also sort of potato nostalgia music of some kind for old people like me who were young people, once, in the 1990s; music sounded sort of like this, then.
click here to download rings by nomo. please note that I have stopped using zshare, because apparently it flashes pictures of ladies' butts at you when you use it for wholly un-butt-related things, which thing I swear to you, like the victims of the person swap video in my last post, had absolutely failed to observe. savefile is more polite.
& that reminds me -- I put up a much bigger post yesterday (which I may have, um, emailed you about?), with good music & fun activities, so please check that out, too. & hey, if you do actually want periodic emails to let you know when there's fun stuff on the blog, or if you have any feedback or requests, do please let me know at hudbahudby@gmail.com.
well, that's really something isn't it?even tho I'm already disappointed by the decisions Obama's been making -- his appointment of my thoid-cousin Rahm, for example -- I confess to open-eyed, ankle-pantsed amazement that uhmerica was not too racist to vote for the candidate who openly embraced sanity but was black. I'm glad I was wrong for a lot of reasons. & I confess to tearing up when Obama said at today's press conference that "a lot of shelter dogs are mutts, like me."I think on tuesday we had the feeling that all of us had been holding our breath. while the press (who, remember this?, are supposed to be there to help, tho, then again, nobody wants to just sleep on a mattress stuffed with money) bombarded us with the suggestion that we secretly wouldn't vote Obama, americans passed each other on the street & believed that we would. & while celebrating the fact that the gargantuan disparity in capability between two candidates -- who, now as ever, offered little doctrinal difference between them -- managed to overcome a racism that much of conventional wisdom regarded as insuperable seems, perhaps, to be setting the bar a bit low, here we are. the guy's name is Barack Obama. he speaks in sentences & his is probably the last chance history has the stamina to offer of saving this tottering state.so anyhow, is it too headbandy to post some songs that Obama's election makes me want to hear?hope not. one song it's interesting to lsiten to now is the bourgeois blues, by Leadbelly. maybe now problematically, he talks about race & about class in an entangled way. one verse says, "some white folks in washington / they know just how / throw a colored man a nickel / just to see him bow," but another says, "this is the home of the brave, / land of the free, / I don't wanna be mistreated by / no bourgeoisie." it's a great song! I bet Leadbelly would cry if he knew what happened on tuesday. click here to hear &/or download the bourgeois blues by Leadbelly.
there are some other versions of the song worth a listen, too. one that's fun (a little overdone, especially by the fun-tho singer) is the blue rags'. a particular favorite of mine is Taj Mahal's. you may be like me in the sense that you may think Taj Mahal made great records in the seventies & then suffered some kind of like brain thing or something & got sucky. but even if you are like me in that respect, listen to his version of this song if you are also like me in the sense that you enjoy terrific things.
because I appreciate so much about his being elected despite having long found his politics pretty uninspiring, Obama's victory feels more to me like a beautiful mass event than a political triumph (tho given the reprehensible backwardness, cynicism, & thick-tufted knuckle-hair of mccain & his people, it surely does represent an imperative moment for our political hygiene). it's a fantastic relief, & it's also a great opportunity to feel serious about something. a black president! I'm so solicitous now, already, for his safety. there's something gloomy about it. I'm reminded of all the history that's still happened & I'm saddened. I wish Fred Hampton & Frederick Douglass & Gus Hall & Paul Robeson could know. I doubt any of them would have believed it was possible.
anyhow, the way I feel about it puts me in mind of William Basinski, in particular of his disintegration loops project. they're statements of, to use a word I seem to be blog-flogging lately, real purity. if you think of Bach on an x & y axis, this is similar material on an x & z. (Bach's ideas are often really ripe for applying to experiments with color in music, a point made resoundingly by Webern's very exceptionally gorgeous arrangement for orchestra of fugue 2 from the musical offering.) instead of playing his theme in different harmonic variants, as Bach would -- sounding it different registers, in different keys, in variations juxtaposed on variations -- Basinski plays the theme thru an echo tunnel of ever-different shape, revealing different parts of the sound, different kinds of rhythms & resonances that emerge. & because that is fascinating, & because the theme he explores is so lovely, it's a really terrific piece of music in my opinion. click here to download disintegration loops iii : dlp iv. but it's important also to say that one of the strongest feelings I have about Obama is of being totally exhilerated -- like, wowza. the news goes long. the sometimes exhilerating british band the fuck buttons make intricate, forceful muzyk. exciting combinations. richly coarse textures. & this song is called okay, let's talk about magic, which is a delight. this music feels just as strikingly odd in what about it is conventional & what unusual as president-elect O-o-o-o-ooobama. & like Obama, it's easy to be around.
the cinematic orchestra are a terrific band from, I think, scotland?, who make full-sails music that's subtle & beautiful. it's not my most very favorite of their songs, but breathe is about the right speed for me, today, & it features the irreplaceable Fontella Bass, singing as sensitively as ever. she, like Tim Moore & Al Sharpton, has been obviously underrated because of racism.
don't let rove see it. I've posted this before, but it's the most beautiful thing in the world so I'm putting it up again?
this is also pretty good. it's all about how fucking terrific lemons are when you're skiing, because other cultures are by definition difficult for us to understand? (they put the word power in red. so we know it's got tv-war-logo music under it. dun dun dun dummmm.)
what fun, I, thought to hear this sequence of songs:
first, the scherzo from Lou Harrison's suite rhymes with silver. Lou Harrison is just the greatest & rhymes with silver (Silver was his middle name) is a dance piece commissioned near the end of his life. just everest, I mean really gorgeous. rhythms in his music sometimes seem to ghost harmony's usual role: it's not which pitches sound together, but the ways they relate to each other thru time -- that's also why his percussion can sound so lyrical. & I'm pretty sure that he cites can't take my eyes off of you by Frankie Valli. anyhow, give it a listen: with your eyes closed!
one song that has been a deep-years favorite is z datelin, by Pavol Hammel & Marian Varga, two men from czechoslovakia about whom I know nothing. the record is from I think 1968. now, listen: about 12 million people speak natively the czech language. (when I lived in russia, products often came labeled for sale in countries across evropa, with the same nutrition information in, say, polish, estonian, latvian, russiche, ukraingo, czech, & slovak, & these last two would generally be identical, or very utterly nearly so. that's a funny thing about politics, but also a roundabout way of saying: slovaks, this means you too.) please somebody tell me what the title means? because the obvious correspondence to russian would yield the gloss from the dative -- which is awesome -- but seems improbable. anyhow it's kind of a beautiful song but what's most wonderful is the dinkiness of it, in all its sincerity. the really silly kind of precision they have. pretty 60s europe organ. I kind of want to find Pavol Hammel & Marian Varga in praha in 1968 & just let them know everything's going to be ok. (tho: is it?) anyhow:
a song I was not expecting to become wanting to be hearing is friend of the devil. it's originally a grateful dead song (what do you want from me?!), but my favorite is singing it myself, and, when that's a pickle, I'll take Lyle Lovett doing it, for sure. it's not a fantastic song. it's not a fantastic recording. but it has charm & is lovely & on the right side of things. do not ask questions.
& lastly, ice cream time: rise by Nick Didkovsky. this is one of the pieces he's made by setting parameters in a computer program of his own design. the music is luminous. it's something that stays as various & real as anything thruout, record of a real investigation. it something I feel I could live inside. & the subtle ways it changes, & the the sustaining mass of sound. scandinavia! the way it spreads itself out harmonically is just beautiful. I bet Terry Riley danced around the table when he heard it.