am I the only person who found it high-larious when mccain said that palin was "an inspiration to women and reformers all over america"? (here, enjoy this whole clip, or, for a real laugh, clamber up to 2"27' in:
real good, right?) a tide of reformers is cresting over america like the goddamn buffalo. reformers all over america? what the fuck was he talking about?
I'm working on a blog post that I'm excited about, by special request (тебе, Пчелка) a post on wet & dry kinds of music. I was going to include some really great wet songs & some really great dry songs, & also some electronic alterations of both. but I sprung a leak somewhere, softwarewise, & it'll be at least till tomorrow since I need to call fucking lesotho or wherever & beg one of the row of service technicians heaving in the galley to tell me why my registration's been invalidated.
(by the way, I have nothing but respect for the culture of lesotho. it just seems like a silly route for advice to take since the company that manufactures the software is in albany. & that's why I made up lesotho. Adlai Stevenson House of Pancakes. sour claw.)
anyhow, it might be a while, but here is a great new video of a Mr Lif remix. watch it! trust me! it is good!
turning a certain kind of a corner, Superalisa (Супералиса) is just the perfect thing. she's from tatarstan, one of the autonomous res publicae federated into the russian federation (other notable areas with the same political status include Chuvashia, where the poet Genadii Aigi was from; Chechnya, which apparently is closet russian for don't mention it; & Tuva, the delightful mountain paradise featured in indie filmdom's 1999 charmer genghis blues.) I don't know much about her except that she's doing her own thing. a lot of the lyrics are in tatar, so I can't understand them. others are in roosish. my friends, there is no sense in not watching this:
some of the lyrics:
я -- Супералиса татарская певица
танцуйте если на месте не сидится
ja -- Superalisa tatarskaja pevitsa
tantsujte esli na meste ne siditsja
I'm Superalisa, the tatar singer
get up & dance if you don't want to sit still
полезные советы я вам здесь пропою
не пейте алкоголь и не кушайте свинью
poleznye sovjety ja vam zdjes' propoju
ne pjejte alkogol' i ne kushajte svin'ju
now I'll sing you some useful advice:
don't drink alcohol, & don't eat pork
I wonder what Superalisa is doing right now.
Fa 3 anys
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tht mr l1f thng wz fl1pp1ng aw3s0m
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