I mean, this obviously is a fucking joke, but the point is it's not intended as one. one two three. four five. six seven. eight. nine. ten.
Fa 3 anys
me & my baby been on the run so very long
her folks sent a man to get us, they say we done wrong
so we run, yeah we run, yeah we run from the stranger in town
stranger in town, he's out to get to me
stranger in town, wants me & my baby
follows me
to every town
& if he gets me
he'll bring me down
so we run, yeah we run, yeah we run from the stranger in town
no one will understandit's a lovely melody, like a lot of the ones he wrote. the song is all shadow: who are they? why are we hiding? just bizarre. & it ends with what can only be called an utter, dying-of-the-light freak-out.
what I've got to do
I've go to find a place to hide
with my baby by my side
she's been hurt so much
they treat her mean & cruel
they try to keep us far apart
there's only one thing left we can do
we gotta keep searchin' searchin'
find a place to hide
searchin' searchin'
she'll be by my side
if we gotta keep on the run
we can follow the sun
nunc te bacche canam nec non silvestria tecum
virgulta et prolem tarde crescentis olivae
Virgilius Maro
it is not as tho we had no choice but to pass the bill before us. we could have done this differently. we could have demanded language in the legislation that would have empowered the treasure to compel mortgage servicers to rework the terms of mortgage loans so homeowners could avoid foreclosure. we could have put regulatory structures in place to protect investors. we could have stopped the speculators.in the house of representatives he said this! as if anybody'd be listening there!)
this bill represents an utter failure of the democratic process. it represents the triumph of special interest over the public interest. it represents the inability of government to defend the public interest in the face of great pressure from financial interests. we could have recognized the power of government to prime the pump of the economy to get money flowing thruout society by creating jobs, health care, and major investments in green energy. what a lost opportunity! what a moment of transition from democracy and towards domination of america by global economic interests.
I'll tell you.technology allows for speech sounds to be put to musical use in new ways. Steve "Stevie" Reich is of course famous for his grand voice-on-tape compositions, come out & it's gonna rain & later on city life.
About my poetics --
An integral
Lower limit speech
Upper limit music